Geophysical Projects
Saudi Geophysical specializes in providing advanced geophysical services for various industries, including oil and gas, mining, environmental, and infrastructure development. Our expertise includes seismic surveys, magnetic and gravity surveys, electrical and electromagnetic surveys, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR). We deliver precise and reliable geophysical data to support exploration, assessment, and development projects.

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Project Name:
Ground water exploration using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) at Hafr Al-Batin-Saudi Arabia.
Hamdan Studio
Hafr Al-Batin-Saudi Arabia
Scope of Work:
- • Identify the ground water and the best locations for drilling water wells at each location.
- • Groundwater potentialities up to the maximum depth from 300 meters from GL as per the client requested.
- • To determine the depth and thickness of the sub surface water-bearing layers at the project site at 300 meters from GL as per the client requested.
- • To detect the water level and the depth of the Aquifer.
- • To locate the best sites for drilling wells at each location.
Project Name:
Geophysical Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Survey for Sinkhole/Cavities detection at Jalamid Mine
Ma’aden Phosphate Company (MPC)
Jalamid Mine
Scope of Work:
- • Identification and mapping of sinkholes and cavities
- • Demarcate the dimensions of sinkholes and cavities
• Determine the ground stability conditions around sinkhole
and cavity area - • Probable sinkhole location map to be plotted in 2D and 3D section

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Project Name:
Geophysical Study for Ground water exploration using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Method near Al Ula Airport, AlUla, Medina Region, KSA
Al Moakel for Trading And Construction Co
Al Ula
Scope of Work:
- • The geophysical investigations for this study will be carried out to with the following purposes
- • Identify the ground water and the best locations for drilling water wells at each location.
- • Groundwater potentialities up to the maximum depth from 150 meters from GL as per the client requested.
- • To determine the depth and thickness of the sub surface water-bearing layers at the project site between 70-150 m as the client requested.
- • To detect the water level and the depth of the Aquifer.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) & Downhole Seismic
Project Name:
Limited Subsidence (Sinkhole) Treatment Study Next to Buwaib –Al Ramahia road, Riyadh Region
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Riyadh)
Buwaib –Al Ramahia road, Riyadh Region
Scope of Work:
- • The main objective of this project to study treatment of collapses beside Buwaib –Al Ramahia road and recommend proper solution to avoid any future danger. Below are some of the major target to achieve:
- • Initial investigation to determine key risk factors of the sinkholes and their possible impact on nearby private as well public facilities, which include highway, and transmission line along with mitigation measures.
- • A proper investigation and required testing to be carried out to determine the root cause of sinkholes and recommendation for possible solution.
- • To perform required field measurements and testing to identify the dimensions of the Mustazillah Subsidence.
- • To mark the cave coordinates on geological and geographical maps to shows sites of the caves and entries enumerated.
- • Develop engineering solutions and alternatives to handle the risks and hazards of subsidence, landslides and cavitation and how to minimize them.
Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) & Ground Magnetic
Project Name:
Hydrogeological / Geophysical study for Sharaan Resorts
The Royal Commission – Al Ula Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Heet, Riyadh, KSA
Scope of Work:
- • Hydro census: Hydro census consisted of mainly water point survey
- • Geophysical Survey: Geophysical Survey to demarcate the subsurface geological features in terms of groundwater exploration. There are two methods i.e. magnetic and electromagnetic method shall be used to find groundwater bearing zone for future abstraction or any other alternate methodology if required after site reconnaissance survey.
- • Drilling Supervision & Installation of Boreholes: Based on the outcome of hydrogeological assessment and in accordance with geophysical results, drilling of proposed wells performed
- • Completion of Pumping Test, Supervision and Data Analysis
- • Ground Water Sampling and Laboratory Analysis

Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
Project Name:
Geophysical investigations using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Passive Seismic & Geotechnical Investigation near SAR Freight Train Line, Riyadh, KSA.
Saudi Arabia Railway (SAR)
Heet, Riyadh, KSA
Scope of Work:
- • The main objective of this study is to confirm the presence of cavities or weak zones in the project area.
- • To the risk mitigations, the area under the railway track and in surrounding requires detail testing and studies to define root causes and permanent engineering solutions by geophysical and geotechnical study and mitigation with short term & long-term monitoring.
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Distributed Temperature Sensing System (DSTS)
Project Name:
Rail Line Monitoring System in Heet, Heet Area, Riyadh, KSA
Saudi Arabia Railway (SAR)
Heet, Riyadh, KSA
Scope of Work:
- • A Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) wire-break emergency alert system. This system will consist of a shallowly buried coaxial cable, coupled with the existing grade, that will deform or break in the event of a sinkhole and provide a fast alert if a surface collapse occurs.
- • Short-term nodal passive seismic subgrade monitoring.
- • Implement passive seismic monitoring in the more susceptible zones beneath the rail line for the purpose of deploying a system quickly and being able to accelerate reopening of the rail line.
- • Long-term passive seismic subgrade monitoring using fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS).