GroundWater Projects
Saudi Geophysical excels in providing comprehensive geophysical, groundwater, and environmental services. With decades of expertise, we deliver innovative solutions that address complex environmental challenges and support sustainable development. Our team is dedicated to applying advanced technologies and methodologies to ensure precise data collection, analysis, and reporting, ultimately contributing to the preservation and management of natural resources.

Project Name:
Hydrogeological study for Rua Al-Madinah project
Rua Al Madinah Holding, Madinah KSA
Madinah Al Munawara, KSA
Scope of Work:
Perform detailed hydrogeological study, develop groundwater models and conduct consultancy services for constructional dewatering, etc. In detail, different steps under this approach are listed as:
- • Detailed hydrogeological assessment of RAM Project area considering the historic and present conditions.
- • Hydrogeological impact study on RAM Project construction (in terms of need for constructional dewatering).
- • Long-term hydrogeological impact study and implementation of mitigation measures (analysis).
- • Evaluation of the groundwater flows and their effect with detailed modelling (for present and future scenarios).
- • Assessment of impact of dewatering activities including deep foundations located on different aquifers (recuperation phase).
- • Identification of alternative opportunities for groundwater levels control and to assist in management
- • Assessment of water quality and quantities for re-use (only analysis without any modelling support).
Project Name:
Hydrogeological / Geophysical study for Sharaan Resorts
The Royal Commission – Al Ula Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al Ula (2021)
Scope of Work:
- • Pre-feasibility Study
- • Hydro census: Hydro census consisted of mainly water point survey
- • Geophysical Survey: Geophysical Survey to demarcate the subsurface geological features in terms of groundwater exploration.
- • Drilling Supervision & Installation of Boreholes: Based on the outcome of hydrogeological assessment and in accordance with geophysical results, drilling of proposed wells performed
- • Completion of Pumping Test, Supervision and Data Analysis
- • Ground Water Sampling and Laboratory Analysis

Project Name:
Ground water exploration using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) at Hafr Al-Batin-Saudi Arabia.
Hamdan Studio
Hafr Al-Batin-Saudi Arabia
Scope of Work:
- • Identify the ground water and the best locations for drilling water wells at each location.
- • Groundwater potentialities up to the maximum depth from 300 meters from GL as per the client requested.
- • To determine the depth and thickness of the sub surface water-bearing layers at the project site at 300 meters from GL as per the client requested.
- • To locate the best sites for drilling wells at each location.
Project Name:
Hydrogeological / Geophysical Study for ANTEA Group, France
ANTEA Group, France
Nestlé Waters Company, Dammam & Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Sudair, KSA
Scope of Work:
- • The aim of this study was to understand the water supply of the plant, identify potential vulnerabilities, geological and hydrogeological description of the aquifers present in the project area
- • To offer information on subsurface strata variation and to locate prospective
- • Groundwater potentialities up to the maximum depth examined.
- • To determine the depth and thickness of the water-bearing layers at the project site
- • To locate the best sites for drilling wells

Project Name:
Hydrogeological Modelling & Geophysical Study, Abar Al Mashi, Madinah, K.S.A.
Ministry of Water & Electricity (1999 – 2002)
Scope of Work:
- Al- Madina Authority of Water & Sewage is Using Abar Al-Mashi area to supply water to the city in an emergency. The study evaluated the hydrogeological condition and water volume of the aquifer.
Project Name:
Comprehensive Hydrogeological Investigation for Groundwater quality variation in Jabal Sayid Mine
Scope of Work:
- • To identify and delineate groundwater resources and aquifer system using geophysical method.
- • Differentiate different saturated layers and its thickness.
- • To identify groundwater flow paths beneath and around the tailings dam in particular and the Jabal Sayid mine area in general.
- • Subsurface investigation using geophysical techniques to detect contamination in the groundwater (if any) and demarcate its extent.
- • To evaluate the probability of groundwater contamination or the emergency (i.e. TSF failure) case on the negative environment affects in and around Jabal Sayid mine area due to any mining activity.
- • To reinforce conclusion with technical data for submission to the top management on the proposed location, which includes numbers, depth, design, environmental tests for the available monitoring wells or new wells for periodic future sampling or any additional parameter to taken in consideration for periodic sampling.
- • To review and proposed the future sampling techniques/procedure for proper data collection.
- • To propose the mitigation measures to maintain mining activity for any further contamination for groundwater in and around the mine area.

Project Name:
Hydrogeological, Geophysical and Hydrological Studies for Surface water &Groundwater Resources
Ministry of Water & Electricity
Asir Region, KSA
Scope of Work:
Directorate of Ministry of Water & Electricity Aseer region had formulated a Consortium of consultants in the field of Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Geophysics and Surveyor to facilitate their services for the Aseer province surface and groundwater development. This team is responsible for doing comprehensive studies for the groundwater development, design of water management plan, dam construction feasibility studies using latest methodology, techniques, software’s and field instruments. Below is some of the case study related to this project:
A long duration of six year, many studies were done consist of dams study, Evaluation of ground water in fractured zones and determination of new wells sites covering the whole Asir Region and below are the example of Evaluation fractured zones and dam studies.
- • Evaluation of Maraba Field wells which feed Abha Town for Ministry of Water & Electricity, Asir Region. The project includes a comprehensive study for the groundwater resources evaluation including the geophysical studies and the establishment of all hydrogeological and hydrochemical parameters.
- • Ground Water Resource study in Mjarda City for Ministry of Water & Electricity, Asir Region
- • Conduct a comprehensive hydrogeological field survey for groundwater resource evaluation and demarcation of suitable drilling well location for the water supply to nearest village and city in Wadi Aya. Using different field techniques and methodology of water resource evaluation with the application of Arc GIS-10 and WMS 8.4 software's.
- • Feasibility study for Dams construction in Wadi Alhora based on Geological, Hydrogeological, GIS & Remote Sensing Data. Using different methodology of Watershed Modeling with the application of Arc GIS-10, WMS 8.4 software's and Global Mapper-13.