Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) & Downhole Seismic

Project Name:
Limited Subsidence (Sinkhole) Treatment Study Next to Buwaib –Al Ramahia road, Riyadh Region
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Riyadh)
Buwaib –Al Ramahia road, Riyadh Region
Scope of Work:
- • The main objective of this project to study treatment of collapses beside Buwaib –Al Ramahia road and recommend proper solution to avoid any future danger. Below are some of the major target to achieve:
- • Initial investigation to determine key risk factors of the sinkholes and their possible impact on nearby private as well public facilities, which include highway, and transmission line along with mitigation measures.
- • A proper investigation and required testing to be carried out to determine the root cause of sinkholes and recommendation for possible solution.
- • To perform required field measurements and testing to identify the dimensions of the Mustazillah Subsidence.
- • To mark the cave coordinates on geological and geographical maps to shows sites of the caves and entries enumerated.
- • Develop engineering solutions and alternatives to handle the risks and hazards of subsidence, landslides and cavitation and how to minimize them.